class %DeepSee.UserPortal.Home extends %DeepSee.UserPortal.standardPage
Home page for the User Portal. This provides end users a way to access reports, dashboards etc.
URL of home page (used in links).
Name of this page.
Starting view for worklist 1.
Starting view for worklist 2.
Description of the new dashboard.
If dashboard uses snap grid, then this is then number of grid columns.
If dashboard uses snap grid, then this is then number of grid rows.
Keywords for the new dashboard.
Locked state of the currently displayed dashboard.
Does this dashboard allow the user to modify widgets.
Name of the new dashboard.
Owner of the currently displayed dashboard.
Public state of the currently displayed dashboard.
Does this dashboard allow the user to move and resize widgets.
Resource for the currently displayed dashboard.
If true, the dashboard uses the new snapGrid desktop and ignores the the dashboardSnapTo property.
Is dashboard in "snap to" mode.
Title of the new dashboard.
Current folder category (used for filtering).
Current folder name.
Name of selected item.
Decorate the page.
Get the (localized) name of the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
Return list of options for work list 1.
Return list of options for work list 2.
Draw the contents of the Folders Footer area.
Draw the contents of the Folders Header area.
Draw the contents of the Folders area.
Draw the contents of the worklist title area.
Get details on selected item.
Save the new dashboard.
Activate the search text box;
Delete the given item.
Perform a search.
Get contents for the item details box.
Show the analyzer page.
Show the System Management portal.
Create a new dashboard.
Adjust sizes of content area.
This client event is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
Reload the folder list.
Show the register user dialog.
Key press in search box (work-around for ie).
Select the given item.
Change the folder category
Hide/show folders in list.
Toggle display of worklist area.
Update the title for the dashboard.