persistent class %DeepSee.UserPortal.Data.Alert
extends %Persistent, %XML.Adaptor
Each instance of this class represents an alert within the DeepSee User Portal.
property comments
as %String(MAXLEN=5000,XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
Additional comments for this alert.
property createDate
as %TimeStamp(XMLPROJECTION="attribute") [ InitialExpression = $ZDT($H,3) ];
Time when alert was created.
property dataId
as %String(MAXLEN=200,XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
ID of folder item to display for this alert.
property isNew
as %Boolean(XMLPROJECTION="attribute") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
True if this alert has not been reviewed yet.
property priority
as %String(MAXLEN=200,VALUELIST=",low,high",XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
Priority of this alert (null is medium).
property senderId
as %String(MAXLEN=200,XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
User ID of user that sent this alert.
property subject
as %String(MAXLEN=200,XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
Subject line for this alert.
property userId
as %String(MAXLEN=200,XMLPROJECTION="attribute");
User ID of receipient of this alert.
index (userId on userId,createDate) [Type = bitmap];