class %DeepSee.UI.TermListManager extends %DeepSee.UI.standardPage
DeepSee term list manager page. This page lets you view and edit "term lists" (lookup tables used by DeepSee models).
If this page has multiple views, this is its initial display mode.
Displayed name of this page.
Parameter DOCBOOKID = "D2MODEL_intro_architect"; Name of term list.
This class method callback is called just before the server-side page object is created.
Get the (localized) name of the page.
Get the product name for the page.
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
This callback is called when the upload form on this page is submitted. pSubmit is a %ZEN.Submit object containing details of the form submit.
Delete a term list.
Draw the help panel.
Get content object for JSON provider.
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
Object submit handler JSON provider. This is called when the client saves the term list.
Add a new column.
Add a new record.
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
Arrow handler for grid.
Launch the subject area finder.
Test if the user has write privilege.
Launch the term list finder dialog.
Click on column in grid.
Delete a new column.
Delete the termlist.
Export the termlist.
Change to details form.
Hide/show the value column.
Create a new term list.
This client event is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
Remove a record.
Save the termlist.
Change in search box value. Can be overridden by subclasses.
Update details form.