class %DeepSee.Report.UI.editIconBar
extends %DeepSee.Report.UI.abstractIconBar
Edit Icon Bar
property titleList
as %ZEN.Datatype.csv [ InitialExpression = "Cut selection,Copy selection,Paste selection,Duplicate selection,Delete selection" ];
Defines set of tool tips for choices for this control as a csv-list.
property valueList
as %ZEN.Datatype.csv [ InitialExpression = "CUT,COPY,PASTE,DUPLICATE,DELETE" ];
Defines set of values for choices for this control as a csv-list.
property widgetList
as %ZEN.Datatype.csv [ InitialExpression = "cutButton,copyButton,pasteButton,dupButton,deleteButton" ];
Defines set of ID for choices for this control as a csv-list.
method %DrawHTML()
The %DrawHTML method draws the initial HTML for this component.