class %DeepSee.Query.memberFunction
extends function
This class defines a member function within a DeepSee query.
A "member" function is a function that is syntactically part of a member:
member.FUNC or member.FUNC(a)
These are sometimes referred to as operators within MDX.
parameter FUNCTIONCLASS = "mbr";
Used to indicate which class of functions this class supports.
classmethod %BuildFunctionMetaData()
as %Status
Test if function metadata is in the DeepSeeFunctionGLVN global.
If not, put it there.
method %GetMemberProvider()
as %DeepSee.Query.member
Return the member provider object associated with this node.
method %PreProcess(pIsSlicer As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Execute the pre-processing logic for this node.
method %ToString(Output pSC As %Status)
as %String
Convert this node to its text representation.