class %DeepSee.Query.Parser
extends %RegisteredObject
Contains the DeepSee MDX query parser and related APIs.
This class contains no publicly accessible code.
property %Stack
as %Integer [ MultiDimensional ];
Context stack.
property Bookmark
as %Integer;
Current bookmark position within query text.
property CubeName
as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Cubename within the current query.
property LastToken
as %String;
Most recently parsed token (used for error reporting).
property Position
as %Integer;
Current position within query text.
property Query
as %DeepSee.Query.query;
The query object this parser is constructing.
property Text
as %String;
Query text.
property Trace
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Debug flag.
method %ParseWITH(pMode As %String = "with")
as %Status
Parse an MDX WITH statement.
If pMode is "with", then this is a WITH clause of a query;
If pMode is "set" or "member", then this is a CREATE statement;