class %DeepSee.PlugIn.Median
extends %DeepSee.KPIPlugIn
This Analytic plug-in computes the MEDIAN on a given measure for a given cube.
parameter BASECUBE = "*";
Cube(s) that this plug-in is based on.
parameter LISTINGSOURCE = "FactTable";
Specifies the source of the listing data used by this plugin: "SourceTable" - the data source
supplies the listing values; "FactTable" - the fact table supplies the listing values.
parameter PLUGINTYPE = "Aggregate";
Specifies the type of this plug-in. This indicates the context in which this plug-in is used.
"Pivot" -- the plug-in is visible within the Analyzer dimension tree.
"Aggregate" -- the plug-in is not visible within the Analyzer dimension tree.
method %OnCompute(pSQLRS As %SQL.StatementResult, pFactCount As %Integer)
as %Status
Compute the median of values within the result set.
method %OnGetListingFields()
as %String
Returns the field list (RETURN clause) of the listing used to supply data for this plug-in.
In this case, determine which measure we need.
method %OnGetMDX(ByRef pMDX As %String)
as %Status
Get the base query for this plug-in.
classmethod Median(k)
Find the median value within the temp file.