class %DeepSee.Component.Portlet.abstractPortlet
extends %ZEN.Component.component, %ZEN.Component.dataView
Base class for DeepSee Dashboard portlets.
A portlet is a specialized Zen component that can be plugged into a DeepSee dashboard to
supply customized content.
parameter NAMESPACE = "";
This is the XML namespace used for library components.
property settings
as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
MultiDimensional property containing the current settings values for this portlet.
method %DrawHTML()
Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component as HTML.
This should be overridden in subclasses.
classmethod %OnGetPortletIcon()
as %String
Return the URL of the icon to display for this portlet.
This is displayed in the Widget Builder dialog.
This should be overridden in subclasses.
classmethod %OnGetPortletName()
as %String
Return the localized caption of this portlet.
This is displayed in the Widget Builder dialog.
This should be overridden in subclasses.
classmethod %OnGetPortletSettings(Output pInfo As %List)
as %Status
Return an optional array of "settings" values for this portlet.
The list of settings is displayed in the Widget Builder where the user can view and
edit them.
When the portlet is rendered, the values of all settings is made available to the
portlet's %DrawHTML method via the settings--a
multidimensional array subscripted by setting name.
On return, pInfo can contain a list of settings in the form:
pInfo(n) = $LB(name,value,type,caption,title)
name is the logical name of the setting.
value is the default value of the setting.
type indicates the type of the setting. This determines the control
displayed to get the value of the setting. If omitted the type is assumed to be a string.
The type can be: "%Integer", "%Boolean", or "ENUM^caption1:value1,caption2:value2".
caption is the localized caption of the setting.
title is an optional tooltip displayed for the setting.