class %CSP.Util.perfbypage
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter ENCODED = 1;
Controls how the query parameters for this page are passed, it can
be set to one of the following:
- ENCODED=0 - Query parameters are not encrypted
- ENCODED=1 - Query parameters are encrypted and passed within CSPToken
- ENCODED=2 - Same as '1' except any unencrypted parameters
are removed from the %request object before calling the Page
method. This ensures that only encrypted parameter are available in the
%CSP.Request object.
parameter PAGETIMING = 1;
If this parameter is true then we automatically record timing statistics of how long it takes to
produce this page. It is off by default.
parameter RESOURCE = "%Development";
This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated
permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on at least
one of the specified resources in order to view this page or
invoke any of its server-side methods from the client.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it
is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE.
parameter TIMINGSLOTS = 48;
Used by the timing to decide how many slots a day should be divided up into. The default is to record
the timings over half an hour (48 slots per day). If you need more detail you can modify this value in
the superclass.
property date
as %String(MAXLEN=256) [ InitialExpression = $zdate($h,3) ];
property page
as %String(MAXLEN=256);
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
This callback is called after the server-side page
object and all of its children are created.
Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify
items within the page object model, or to provide values
for controls.
classmethod GetGraph(measure As %String, pagename As %String, date As %String)
as %ListOfDataTypes
[ ZenMethod ]
method backoneday()
[ Language = javascript ]
method forwardoneday()
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph1(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph2(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph3(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph4(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph5(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getgraph6(serie As %Integer, size As %Integer)
[ Language = javascript ]