class %CSP.Util.TitlePane
extends Pane
This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
Details for the Title pane of a CSP AutoPage used by Ensemble.
property Locator
as list of Link;
A collection of Links used to draw the locator within the title pane.
property ShowUsrNsp
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Control whether or not User/Namespace is displayed or not.
method DrawBODY(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Draw the HTML to display a title pane for this object.
method DrawQuickJumpList()
Draw a combobox of quick jump options.
method DrawUsername()
Draw username or server name depend on setup.
classmethod GetDefaultNamespace()
as %String
Get default namespace for this session:
- If NAMESPACE is passed in that means user has changed namespace from
the drop-down. Update the session data $NAMESPACE.
- Else If this is not a new session, then use the previous saved session NAMESPACE
- Else this is a new new session, but it is Ensemble, then use the current namespace
- Else this is a new new session, and it is CSP GUI Utility, then return the first available namespace from namespace list.
method OnGenerateCode()
as %String
Handle ShowUsrNsp