class %CSP.Util.SMNavigatorPane
extends %CSP.Util.Pane
This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
Navigator Pane for System Managment Portal.
property ShowDatabases
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If 1, then namespace listbox allows choice of databases as well.
property ShowMaxRows
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then the max rows textbox is display.
property ShowNamespaces
as %Boolean;
If 1, then namespace listbox displays.
If 0, then namespace name displays.
property ShowSchemas
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then schema listbox is display.
property bgcolor
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Table background color
property border
as %Integer;
Border of table (default is 0)
property cellpadding
as %Integer;
Cellpadding (default is 0)
property cellspacing
as %Integer;
Cellspacing (default is 0)
method DrawBODY(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the BODY section.
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
classmethod GetAllDatabases(ByRef Databases As %String)
as %Integer
Generic method to get databases
Databases array is returned by reference.
Remote databases are included
classmethod GetAllNamespaces(ByRef Namespaces As %String)
as %Integer
Generic method to get namespaces from the ACTIVE Configuration file.
Namespace array is returned by reference.
classmethod GetNamespaces(ByRef Namespaces As %String)
as %Integer
Generic method to get namespaces from the ACTIVE Configuration file.
Namespace array is returned by reference.
Returns array of namespaces the user has Read or Write privileges in.
classmethod GetSchemas(ByRef Schemas As %String)
as %Integer
Generic method to get Schemas for the current namespace.
Namespace array is returned by reference.
method OnGenerateCode()
as %String
Subclasses override this to generate code during CSP processing