class %CSP.UI.System.OpenJournalPane
extends %CSP.Util.Pane
This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
This pane is used to display system journal file contents
classmethod CancelProfile(pFile As %String)
Called from client to stop a profile calculation.
classmethod ComputeJournalProfile(pFile As %String)
Given a journal file name, build a profile of the contents
of the journal within a temp global. This takes the form:
^CacheTemp.JournalProfile(pFile) = status: 0 running, 1 complete
^CacheTemp.JournalProfile(pFile,"ERROR") = error (if any)
^CacheTemp.JournalProfile(pFile,"PROFILE",database,global) = size of records for this
^CacheTemp.JournalProfile(pFile,"PROFILE","OTHER") = size of other records
method DrawBODY(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Draw the BODY of the detail pane
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
classmethod DrawJournalProfile(pClear As %Boolean, pFile As %String, pSortBy As %String = "", pMode As %Integer = 0)
as %Status
Given a journal file name, Draw an HTML profile of the contents
of the journal.
classmethod GetJournalProfile(pFile As %String, Output pProfile, pClear As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Given a journal file name, build a profile of the contents
of the journal. This takes the form:
pProfile(database,global) = size of records for this
pProfile("OTHER") = size of other records
classmethod HasDBPermission(tDB As %String)
as %Boolean
Returns whether current user's base permissions allow access to given database (directory)
classmethod RefreshProfile(pClear As %Boolean, pFile As %String, pSortBy As %String = "")
Called from client to update the profile page
classmethod ShowRecordDetails(pFile As %String, pOffset As %Integer)
Called by client to show details for a journal record