class %CSP.UI.DocLocalize
extends %RegisteredObject
This class provides methods that return arrays of localized strings for Titles,Locator,HelpAddress, etc.
for the System Management Portal's Zen pages to display.
A method is created by a developer when a Zen page is created for the System Management Portal.
After that the Documentation writers can modify the values without a developer having to change the Zen pages.
Please Note: The method names and subscripts of the arrays should not be changed by a writer as these names are referenced by the Zen pages.
A returned array may contain any of the following items:
Title: Text used under the locator bar, above a table or edit form that explains what this page does.
NewCommand: Text used by the command link that leads to openning a page for entering a new subject.
Locator: The last item on the Locator bar indicating the current page.
LocatorAdd: (optional) On an Edit page, item on the Locator bar indicating the current page for Adding a new item.
LocatorParent: The item prior to the last item on the Locator bar.
HelpAddress: The path for the "help" link that would take you to the actual documentation.
TitleAdd: On an Edit page, title text explaining this is for adding a new subject.
TitleEdit: On an Edit page, title text explaining this is for editing an existing subject.
,label: label for the IdName where IdName is the exact id used in the page.
,hint: hint for the IdName where IdName is the exact id used in the page. If a writer thinks a "hint" is not necessary, he/she can set it to null. e.g. Set P("pijdir","hint")=""
parameter DOMAIN = "%Utility";
classmethod Cluster(Output P)
as %String
The Cluser Settings page.
classmethod DatabaseFreespaceCleanup(Output P)
as %String
The Database Freespace Cleanup page.
classmethod DatabaseFreespaceCompact(Output P)
as %String
The Database Freespace Compact page.
classmethod DatabaseFreespaceList(Output P)
as %String
The Database Freespace List page.
classmethod Device(Output P)
as %String
The Devices edit/add page.
classmethod Devices(Output P)
as %String
The Devices List page.
classmethod EnterpriseManagement(Output P)
as %String
The Enterprise Management page.
classmethod FileMan(Output P)
as %String
The FileMan Configuration page.
classmethod FileManWizard(Output P)
as %String
The FileMan Wizard page.
classmethod GlobalMappings(Output P)
as %String
The Global Mappings page.
classmethod IO(Output P)
as %String
The IO Settings page.
classmethod ISQL(Output P)
as %String
The ISQL (Informax) Compatibility Settings page.
classmethod Journal(Output P)
as %String
The journal settings page.
classmethod MagTape(Output P)
as %String
The MagTape edit/add page.
classmethod MagTapes(Output P)
as %String
The Devices List page.
classmethod Memory(Output P)
as %String
The Memory page.
classmethod MemoryEdit(Output P)
as %String
The Memory edit page.
classmethod Miscellaneous(Output P)
as %String
The Compatibility page. "Miscellaneous" is the config.Miscellaneous class name. But on the UI we do not display it that way.
classmethod MiscellaneousEdit(Output P)
as %String
The Compatibility edit page.
classmethod ObjectGateway(Output P)
as %String
The Object Gateway Edit/Add page.
classmethod ObjectGatewayActivities(Output P)
as %String
The Object Gateway Activities page.
classmethod ObjectGatewayStart(Output P)
as %String
The Object Gateway Start page.
classmethod ObjectGatewayStop(Output P)
as %String
The Object Gateway Stop page.
classmethod ObjectGateways(Output P)
as %String
The Object Gateway List page.
classmethod PackageMappings(Output P)
as %String
classmethod RemoteDatabase(Output P)
as %String
classmethod RemoteDatabases(Output P)
as %String
classmethod RoutineCompare(Output P)
as %String
The Routine Compare page.
classmethod RoutineMappings(Output P)
as %String
classmethod SSLEdit(Output P)
as %String
The SSL/TLS Configuration Add/Edit page.
classmethod SSLList(Output P)
as %String
The SSL/TLS Configuration List page.
classmethod Startup(Output P)
as %String
The Startup page.
classmethod StartupEdit(Output P)
as %String
The Startup edit page.
classmethod SubType(Output P)
as %String
The Device SubType edit/add page.
classmethod SubTypes(Output P)
as %String
The Device SubTypes List page.
classmethod SystemDataType(Output P)
as %String
The System-defined DDL Mapping edit page.
classmethod SystemDataTypes(Output P)
as %String
The System-defined DDL Mappings page.
classmethod Telnet(Output P)
as %String
The Telnet Settings page.
classmethod UserDataType(Output P)
as %String
The User-defined DDL Mapping edit page.
classmethod UserDataTypes(Output P)
as %String
The User-defined DDL Mappings page.
classmethod X509CredentialsEdit(Output P)
as %String
The X.509 Credentials Add/Edit page.
classmethod X509CredentialsList(Output P)
as %String
The X.509 Credentials List page.
classmethod ZenReportEdit(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Settings page.
classmethod ZenReportServer(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Render Server Edit/Add page.
classmethod ZenReportServerActivities(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Render Server Activities page.
classmethod ZenReportServerStart(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Render Server Start page.
classmethod ZenReportServerStop(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Render Server Stop page.
classmethod ZenReportServers(Output P)
as %String
The Zen Report Render Servers List page.