class %CSP.RuleBlock
extends %CSP.Rule
The %CSP.RuleBlock class is the super class of all rule
generated classes for block structured tags, e.g. csp:if,
that represent elements within the DOM model.
property Container
as %CSP.RuleBlock;
The object instance for the containing block or "".
property EndLabel
as %String;
The label used for the end of this block,
e.g. the /csp:if clause for csp:if or after the loop for csp:while
property NextLabel
as %String;
The label used for the next block,
e.g. the csp:else clause for csp:if or the next iteration for csp:while
method GetCurrentBlock()
as %CSP.RuleBlock
Get current block without creating a new one.
method GetNewLabel()
as %String
Get a new block label.
method NewBlock()
Get a new block and associated labels for this nested code block.
method RemoveBlock()
Remove the this nested block.