Class Reference
  [USER] >  [%CSP] >  [Request]
Private  Storage  

class %CSP.Request extends %RegisteredObject

The %CSP.Request class encapsulates an incoming URL and its parameters.

When a csp request is received, the CSP Server creates an instance of the %CSP.Request class. This is accessible via the %request variable.


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
28 50


Application CSPGatewayRequest CgiEnvs CharSet
Content ContentType Cookies Data
GatewayApplication GatewayBuild GatewayConnectionName GatewayInstanceName
GatewayNewId GatewaySessionCookie GatewayTimeout Method
MimeData PageName Protocol RequestId
Secure URL URLPrefix UserAgent

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ConstructClone %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Extends %GetParameter %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OriginalNamespace
%PackageName %RemoveFromSaveSet %SerializeObject %SetModified
%ValidateObject Count CountCookie CountMimeData
Decrypt Delete DeleteCgiEnv DeleteCookie
DeleteMimeData Find Get GetCgiEnv
GetCookie GetMimeData Insert InsertCgiEnv
InsertCookie InsertMimeData IsDefined IsDefinedCgiEnv
IsDefinedCookie IsDefinedMimeData IsEncrypted Next
NextCgiEnv NextCookie NextIndex NextMimeData
NextMimeDataIndex Reset Set


• property Application as %String;
The section of the Url that has been matched against a CSP application name.
• property CSPGatewayRequest as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
True if the request came the CSP gateway, and false if it was from the command line or the built in web server.
• property CgiEnvs as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
An array of strings containing any environment values associated with this request. The format of this array is:
  • request.CgiEnvs(<NAME>)=<VALUE>
Where <NAME> is the name of the Cgi environment variable and <VALUE> is the value of this environment variable.

It is suggested that you use the accessor methods rather than set/get the value of this multidimentional property directly.
• property CharSet as %String;
Character set this request was send in, if not specified in the HTTP headers it defaults to the character set of the page it is being submitted to.
• property Content as %CSP.Stream;
A %CSP.Stream containing the content submitted with this request.
• property ContentType as %String;
A string indicating the MIME Content-Type of the request.
• property Cookies as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
An array of strings containing any cookie values associated with this request. The format of this array is:
  • request.Cookies(<NAME>,<INDEX>)=<VALUE>
Where <NAME> is the name of the cookie, <INDEX> is an index number starting at 1 as you may have multiple cookies with the same name so subsequent ones will be added with a higher index number. <VALUE> is the value of this cookie.

It is suggested that you use the accessor methods rather than set/get the value of this multidimentional property directly.
• property Data as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
An array of strings containing any parameter name/value pairs associated with this request. The format of this array is:
  • %request.Data(<NAME>,<INDEX>)=<VALUE>
  • %request.Data(<NAME>,<INDEX>,"encrypt")=<Encrypted state>
  • %request.Data(<NAME>,<INDEX>,"O")=<Order number item was added>
Where <NAME> is the name of the parameter, <INDEX> is an index number starting at 1 as you may have multiple parameters with the same name so subsequent ones will be added with a higher index number. <VALUE> is the value of this parameter. <Encrypted state> is 1 if the value of this parameter was encrpyted and 0 otherwise.
Note that it is faster to access this multidimensional property directly rather than going through the accessor methods. For example:
	; Set the index number one 'Name' to 'Value'
	Set %request.Data("Name",1)="Value"
	; Output the value of parameter 'Name' for index number one (the default)
	Write %request.Data("Name",1)
	; Insert a new value for parameter 'Name' to 'Value'
	Set %request.Data("Name",$Order(%request.Data("Name",""),-1)+1)="Value"
	; Test if parameter 'Name' at index 2 is encrypted
	If $Data(%request.Data("Name",2,"encrypt"))
• property GatewayApplication as %String;
The section of the Url that the CSP Gateway on the web server matched against to determine which Caché server to send the request to. If the Url was '/csp/samples/menu.csp' and the CSP Gateway is setup to match all requests to '/csp' then this parameter would be '/csp'.
• property GatewayBuild as %String;
The internal build version of the CSP gateway talking to the server
• property GatewayConnectionName as %String;
The name of the connection in the CSP Gateway that this request was sent to.
• property GatewayInstanceName as %String;
The instance host name of the gateway that is communicating with this process
• property GatewayNewId as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
True if the sessionId is newly assigned by the gatway, and false if it is provided by the browser
• property GatewaySessionCookie as %String;
The session cookie that the gateway picked as the sessionId
• property GatewayTimeout as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 60 ];
The value of the Server Response Timeout in the Gateway configuration.
• property Method as %String;
A string indicating HTTP method used for this request. Normally one of 'GET', 'POST', or 'HEAD'.
• property MimeData as %CacheString [ MultiDimensional ];
An array of streams containing any multipart/mime data associated with this request. The format of this array is:
  • request.MimeData(<NAME>,<INDEX>)=<VALUE>
Where <NAME> is the name of the mime data stream, <INDEX> is an index number starting at 1 as you may have multiple mime streams with the same name so subsequent ones will be added with a higher index number. <VALUE> is the Oref of the stream associated with this mime data.

It is suggested that you use the accessor methods rather than set/get the value of this multidimentional property directly.
• property PageName as %String;
A string containing the name of the CSP page being processed.
• property Protocol as %String;
HTTP protocol version of the browser request. Normally either 'HTTP/1.0' for older browsers and 'HTTP/1.1' for newer browsers.
• property RequestId as %String;
The Gatewway Request Id
• property Secure as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
True if the communication between the browser and the web server was using the secure https protocol. False for a normal http connection.
• property URL as %String;
A string containing the URL up to and including the page name and extension, but not including the query string.
• property URLPrefix as %String;
If the url contains the configuration name of the server as the first piece then this is defined to be the correct prefix to prepend to urls so they include this config name
• property UserAgent as %String;
A string indicating the type of browser from which the request originated, as determined from the HTTP_USER_AGENT header.


• final method Count(name As %String) as %Integer
Returns the number of values associated with the name-value pair name.
• final method CountCookie(name As %String) as %Integer
Returns the count of cookies with this name.
• final method CountMimeData(name As %String) as %Integer
Returns the count of multipart MIME streams with this name.
• final method Decrypt(data As %String, key As %String) as %Status
Given an encrypted string that is a series of name-value pairs and a key to decrypt it with this will insert them into the request and set the encrypted flag.
• final method Delete(name As %String, index As %Integer = "") as %Boolean
Removes this key from the collection, returns true if the valued existed and false if it never existed. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster. This call is equivalent to the following:
	; If index=""
	Kill %request.Data(name)
	; If index'=""
	Kill %request.Data(name,index)
• final method DeleteCgiEnv(name As %String) as %Boolean
Removes this CGI environment variable from the collection, returns true if the item was defined and false if it was never defined.
• final method DeleteCookie(name As %String, index As %Integer = "") as %Boolean
Removes this cookie from the collection, returns true if the cookie existed and false if it never existed.
• final method DeleteMimeData(name As %String = "", index As %Integer = "") as %Integer
Removes this multipart MIME stream from the collection. Returns the number of nodes it has removed. If name is not defined then it will remove the entire set of MimeData, if name is defined but index is not then it will remove all items stored under name.
• final method Find(name As %String, value As %String) as %Integer
Returns the index of the name-value pair for name with value. If not found, return "".
• final method Get(name As %String, default As %String = "", index As %Integer = 1) as %String
Returns the value of name-value pair name.

If more than one value is associated with name, then the values are subscripted using index starting with 1. Note that any encrypted parameters will have lower index values than any unencrypted parameters, and so will come first when you loop through them.

If the name-value pair is not defined, returns the value of default. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:

	Set return=$Get(%request.Data(name,index),default)
• final method GetCgiEnv(name As %String, default As %String = "") as %String
Retrieves the named CGI environment variable.
• final method GetCookie(name As %String, default As %String = "", index As %Integer = 1) as %String
Retrieves the named cookie
• final method GetMimeData(name As %String, default As %Stream.Object = "", index As %Integer = 1) as %Stream.Object
Retrieves the named multipart MIME stream.
• final method Insert(name As %String, value As %String)
Insert the value of name-value pair name to value.

If more than one value is associated with name, then the values are subscripted using index starting with 1. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:

	Set %request.Data(name,$Order(%request.Data(name,""),-1)+1)=value
• final method InsertCgiEnv(name As %String, value As %String)
Inserts a CGI environment variable by name into the collection.
• final method InsertCookie(name As %String, value As %String)
Inserts a cookie name/value pair.
• final method InsertMimeData(name As %String, value As %Stream.Object)
Inserts a multipart MIME stream by name into the collection.
• final method IsDefined(name As %String, index As %Integer = 1) as %Boolean
Tests if a name-value pair name is defined. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:
	Set return=$Data(%request.Data(name,index))
• final method IsDefinedCgiEnv(name As %String) as %Boolean
Returns true if the named CGI environment variable exists in the collection, false otherwise.
• final method IsDefinedCookie(name As %String, index As %Integer = 1) as %Boolean
Returns true if the named cookie exists in the cookie collection, false otherwise.
• final method IsDefinedMimeData(name As %String, index As %Integer = 1) as %Boolean
Returns true if the named multipart MIME stream exists in the collection, false otherwise.
• final method IsEncrypted(name As %String, index As %Integer = 1) as %Boolean
Return true if the name-value pair name at index is encrypted in the url and false if it is not. This is useful to check that a parameter value that should not be altered and so is generated and encrypted on the server has not been replaced by the user by a 'http://machine/url.csp?PARAM=TEST' rather than the encrypted string produced by the server. This is deprecated in favour of access the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:
	Set return=$Get(%request.Data(name,index,"encrypt"),0)
• final method Next(name As %String) as %String
Returns the next key in sequence. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster. The call is equivalent to the code:
	Set return=$Order(%request.Data(name))
• final method NextCgiEnv(name As %String) as %String
Retrieves the next CGI environment variable name in the sequence
• final method NextCookie(name As %String) as %String
Retrieves the next cookie name in the sequence
• final method NextIndex(name As %String, ByRef index As %Integer = "") as %String
Pass the index by reference and it updates it with the next index number for the name-value pair name. The method returns the value at the new index number. This is useful for looping through the index values. This is deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:
	Set index=$Order(%request.Data(name,index),1,return)
• final method NextMimeData(name As %String) as %String
Retrieves name of the next multipart MIME stream stored in the request object.
• final method NextMimeDataIndex(name As %String, index As %Integer = "") as %String
Return the index number of the next multipart MIME stream stored in the request object.
• final method Reset()
Resets this %CSP.Request object to its initial state
• final method Set(name As %String, value As %String, index As %Integer = 1)
Set the name-value par name to value. As more than one value can be associated with name you can specify an index which is an integer subscript starting at 1 (the default). This is now deprecated in favour of accessing the Data directly because this is faster, for example this is equivalent to:
	Set %request.Data(name,index)=value