Class Reference
  [BASEXML] >  [%CSP] >  [Mgr] >  [GatewayMgrImpl]
Private  Storage  

class %CSP.Mgr.GatewayMgrImpl extends %RegisteredObject, %CSP.Mgr.GatewayMgr


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers


CachePid IPAddress LastConnectTime Port
ResponseBufferTimeout Server State Version

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ConstructClone %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Extends %GetParameter %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OnNew
%OriginalNamespace %PackageName %RemoveFromSaveSet %SerializeObject
%SetModified %ValidateObject ClearCache ClearCacheInternal
CloseConnections GetApplicationParams GetApplicationPaths GetCSPIni
GetCSPLog GetDefaultParams GetInfo GetServerParams
GetServers GetSystemStatus SetApplicationParams SetDefaultParams


• method %OnNew(def) as %Status
This callback method is invoked by the %New method to provide notification that a new instance of an object is being created.

If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.

It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call. When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New(). For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:

Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status If instead of returning a %Status code this returns an oref and this oref is a subclass of the current class then this oref will be the one returned to the caller of %New method.

• method ClearCache(clearFilenames As %List) as %Status
ClearCache clears the Gateway's Page Cache.

The values of clearFilenames determines the exact action of the method.

  1. An empty or undefined value indicates that the entire cache should be cleared.
  2. A list of the file names to be purged from the cache.
  3. A file name may contain a wildcard, '*'.
    1.  Clear all forms named 'zenutils.js', regardless of path: */zenutils.js
    2.  Clear all forms from the '/csp/samples/images/' location: /csp/samples/images/*
    3.  Clear all forms whose path/name contains the '/Zen_' token: */Zen* 

• method ClearCacheInternal(clearFilenames As %List) as %Status
• method CloseConnections(connections As %String = "*") as %Status
CloseConnection closes connections to this gateway.

connections specifies which connections are to be closed:

Connections Closed
* All connections
Server Name Close connections to a specific server, e.g. LOCAL
number Close a specific connections, e.g. 3
list of numbers Close a list of specific connections, e.g, $lb(2,5,7)

• method GetApplicationParams(path As %String, ByRef configAry) as %Status
GetApplicationParams gets the Application Access Parameters.

path indicates the application path whose parameters are being requested. See the GetApplicationPaths() method to obtain a list of the application paths defined for this Gateway.

configAry [name,value] pairs are returned in local array

See SetApplicationParams for a list of parameters.

• method GetApplicationPaths(ByRef appPaths As %List) as %Status
GetApplicationPaths gets the list of configured application paths for this Gateway.

appPaths is a list of strings, each an application path.

• method GetCSPIni(ByRef cspIni, format As %String = $$$gfmtArray) as %Status
GetCSPIni get the contents of the configuration file (CSP.ini).

format is the return format:
"array" - return as an array.
"stream" - returns as a %Stream.GlobalCharacter.


If format="array", tke values are returned in a two-level array. A partial example:

	cspini("[APP_PATH:/]", "Default_Server" ) = "LOCAL"
	cspini("[APP_PATH:/csp]", "Default_Server") = "LOCAL"
	cspini("[APP_PATH:/csp]", "GZIP_Minimum_File_Size") = "0"
	cspini("[LOCAL]", "Ip_Address") = ""
	cspini("[LOCAL]", "Maximum_Server_Connections") = "4"
	cspini("[LOCAL]", "Maximum_Session_Connections") = "3"
	cspini("[LOCAL]", "Minimum_Server_Connections") = "30"
	cspini("[LOCAL]", "Username") = "CSPSystem"

If format="stream", the data is returend as a %Stream.GlobalCharacter object which allows the CSP Ini text to be parsed directly.

• method GetCSPLog(ByRef cspLogStream As %Stream.GlobalCharacter, startDate As %String = "now", direction As %Integer = -1, nEvents=1000) as %Status
GetCSPLog gets the Event Log (CSP.log)

cspLogStream is a %Stream.GlobalCharacter stream from which you can read the lines of the returned from the event log When you close the stream, the temporary data from the server will be removed.

startDateTime the time from which to start returning events. The format the date one of the following:

   C format: e.g.:         Fri Apr 01 22:28:23 2011 
   RFC1123 format: e.g.:   Mon, 26 Jul 2010 15:09:28 GMT

The value "now" [default] will be replaced by the current date and time.

direction the direction to scan for events: 1 -> forward; -1 -> backward

nEvents the number of Events to return from the event file. Each event consists of, at least, three CRLF separated lines. Caution: The CSP Log file contains tens of thousands of lines of text. If you request too many events in one call, GetCSPLog() will timeout waiting for the Gateway to finish transfering all the data.

• method GetDefaultParams(ByRef configAry) as %Status
GetDefaultParams gets Default Parameters.

config values are returned as named parameters of the object. See SetDefaultParams for a list of parameters.

configAry [name,value] pairs are returned in local array

• method GetInfo(ByRef info, format As %String = $$$gfmtObject) as %Status
GetInfo gets the information about the gateway.

format is the return format:
"object" - return as %CSP.Mgr.GatewayInformation object;
"stream" - returns as the information as XML in a %Stream.GlobalCharacter.

if format="object" this is an instance of the %CSP.Mgr.GatewayInformation class.
if format="stream", this is a %Stream.GlobalCharacter containing the information as XML

	<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<WebServerSoftware>Apache Cache_Server_Pages-Apache_Module/2011.</WebServerSoftware>
• method GetServerParams(server As %String, ByRef configAry) as %Status
GetServerParams gets the Server Access Parameters for this server.

server indicates that server path whose values are being requested. See the GetServers() method to obtain a list of the servers defined for this Gateway.

configAry [name,value] pairs are returned in local array

See SetServerParams for a list of parameters.

• method GetServers(ByRef serverList As %List) as %Status
GetServers gets the list of configured servers for this server.

serverList is a list of strings, each the name of a configured server.

• method GetSystemStatus(ByRef sysStatus, format As %String = $$$gfmtObject) as %Status

GetSystemStatus gets the System Status.

format is the return format:
"object" - return as a Caché object;
"stream" - returns as the information as XML.

if format="object" returned as an instance of a %CSP.Mgr.GatewaySystemStatus object. There are the following main sections to the status: Connections, Cache Servers, Application Paths, Alternative Servers, and Cached Form.
if format="stream", this is a %Stream.GlobalCharacter containing the information as XML

Connection, number
CacheServer, number
Application Path, path
Alternative Server, number
CachedForms,Form, form name

System Status XML Example
• method SetApplicationParams(path As %String, ByRef configUpdates) as %Status
SetApplicationParams updates settings in the 'Application Access' section.

path indicates that application path being updated. See the GetApplicationPaths() method to obtain a list of the application paths defined for this Gateway.

configUpdates a local array whose [name,value] pairs are used to update the configuration.

Param NameDescription
Application_StatusService Status: Enabled, Disabled
Extra_CGI_Env_VariablesExtra CGI Environment Variables
Proc_ClassProcess with this class
GZIP_CompressionGZIP Compression: Enabled, Disabled
GZIP_Mininum_File_SizeGZIP minimum file size
GZIP_Exclude_File_TypesGZIP exclude file types
KeepAliveKeep alive: Enabled, Disabled, No Action
Non_Parsed_HeadersNon-parsed headers: Enabled, Disabled
Default_ServerDefault server
Alternative_ServersAlternative Servers.

This takes one of the following values:

LoadBalancing - Load balancing and failover

FailOver - Failover only

Disabled - Disabled

Alternative_Server_[n]Alternative server
Alternative_Server_[n]_StatusAlternative Server Status: Enabled, Disabled, OFFLINE

• method SetDefaultParams(ByRef configUpdates) as %Status
SetDefaultParams updates parameters in the 'Default Parameters' section.

configUpdates a local array whose [name,value] pairs are used to update the configuration.

Param NameDescription
Instance_Host_NameInstance host name
SM_FormsAccess to these forms
UsernameUser name
All passwords will be encrypted (as appropriate) before they are saved in CSP.ini.
SM_TimeoutSession Timeout
System_ManagerSystem Manager Machine(s)
System_Manager_UNPW_OverrideOverride Username and Password Checkbox
"1"=checked; ""=unchecked
Server_Response_TimeoutServer response timeout
Queued_Request_TimeoutQueued request timeout
No_Activity_TimoutNo activity timeout
Env_ParametersEvent Log Level
Event_Log_FileEvent log file
Event_Log_Rotation_SizeEvent log rotation size
Document_RootWeb document root
ASP_DirectoryTemp ASP Directory
WS_Service_StatusService State: Enabled,Disabled
NSD_Document_RootNSD Document Root
Server_ErrorServer Error
Server_UnavailableServer Unavailable
Server_TimeoutServer timeout
Connection_ClosedConnection closed

• method SetServerParams(server As %String, ByRef configUpdates) as %Status
SetServerParams updates settings in the 'Server Access' section.

server indicates that server path being updated. See the GetServers() method to obtain a list of the servers configured on this Gateway.

configUpdates a local array whose [name,value] pairs are used to update the configuration.

Param NameDescription
Server_StatusServer status: Enabled, Disabled
Ip_AddressIP Address
TCP_PortTCP Port
Minimum_Server_ConnectionsMinimum server connections
Maximum_Server_ConnectionsMaximum server connections
Connection_Security_LevelConnection Security Level

This takes a numeric value:

0 Password

1 Kerberos

2 Kerveros with Packet Integrity

3 Kerboros with Encryption

11 SSL


This takes a numeric value:

0 Cache

1 Ensemble

Service_Principal_NameService principal name
KeytableKey table
SSLC_ProtocolSSL Protocol

This takes a combination of numeric values:

1 SSLv2

2 SSLv3

3 TLSv1

SSLCC_Key_TypeSSL Key Type

This takes a numeric value:



SSLCC_Verify_PeerSSL Verify Peer checkbox:


SSLCC_Certificate_FileSSL Certificate File
SSLCC_Certificate_Key_FileSSL Certifictate Key File
SSLCC_CA_Certificate_FileSSL CA Certificate File

Alternative Servers should be saved as a contiguous set of alternative servers as follows:
