persistent class %BI.WComputation
extends %Persistent
property ClassName
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The class name.
property Display
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The display type of the return value
property Drilldownable
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The drilldownable of the computation return value
property Formula
as %String(MAXLEN=50000,TRUNCATE=1);
This is the formula for the computation
property Formula2
as %String(MAXLEN=50000,TRUNCATE=1);
This is the post-formula for the computation
property KPI
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The KPI of the computation return value
property Member
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The member prop of the computation return value
property Name
as %String(MAXLEN=500,TRUNCATE=1);
The name of the computation
property decPoint
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The decimal point of the computation return value
property fontProp
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The Font property of the computation return value
property newRow
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The new row value of the computation return value
property procOrder
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
The processing order of the computation return value
query ComputeAll(iCls As %String)
SQL Query
SELECT ID,Name,Formula,Display,decPoint,procOrder,fontProp,Member,newRow,KPI,Drilldownable,Formula2
FROM %BI.WComputation
WHERE ClassName=:iCls