persistent class %iKnow.Objects.CrcUnique
extends %Persistent
This is a read-only object representation wrapping the internal iKnow data structures for
unique CRCs.
This class can be used from Cache ObjectScript or SQL to access a single or small number of
entries, but the storage mappings are not meant to support elaborate or complex queries
targeting this SQL table.
Please use the predefined queries in %iKnow.Queries.CrcAPI and other query classes
to consult CRC data as the internal global structures are designed to optimize performance for
these queries rather than general-purpose access.
parameter READONLY = 1;
READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted.
Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.
index (CrcUni on DomainId,MasterId,RelationId,SlaveId) [Unique];
index (CrcUniIdFreq on DomainId,CorpusFrequency);
index (CrcUniIdSpread on DomainId,CorpusSpread);
index (PKINDEX on DomainId,CrcUniId) [IdKey,PrimaryKey,Unique];