class %ZEN.Template.WebServicePolicyWizard
extends %ZEN.Template.studioTemplate
Studio Template: New Web Service/Client Configuration.
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter DOMAIN = "%ZEN";
Domain used for localization.
parameter HELPID = "GSOAPSEC_wsp_creating_policies";
DOCBOOK Topic Id that offers help for this template.
parameter TEMPLATEDESCRIPTION = "Create a new Web Service/Client Configuration.";
Short description of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATEGROUP = "General";
If this is a TEMPLATEMODE="new" then this is the name of the tab
in Studio this template is dispayed on. If none specified then
it displays on 'Custom' tab.
parameter TEMPLATEMODE = "new";
What type of template.
parameter TEMPLATENAME = "Web Service/Client Configuration";
Name of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATETITLE = "Web Service/Client Configuration Wizard";
Title of the template to show in the template window.
parameter TEMPLATETYPE = "cls";
Comma separated list of 'CSP', 'CSR', 'MAC', 'INT', 'INC',
'BAS', 'CLS' to say what type of code this template
generates; CSP, CSR, Routine, or Class code.
You can also specify '*' for all types.
property ConfigClass
as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
as %String;
property IsClient
as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
property NumSOAPClasses
as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If NumSOAPClasses is greater than 1, then the Config Class field and Finish button are disabled.
If NumSOAPClasses is 1, then the Config Class is set to the first piece of ConfigId found, and modification of it is not allowed.
Else the Config Class is set to TargetClass_"Config"
property lblNONE
as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("(No security is required.)") ];
property lblSEC
as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("(Click [Next] to specify more policy details.)") ];
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
This callback is called after the server-side page
object and all of its children are created.
Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify
items within the page object model, or to provide values
for controls.
method %OnTemplateAction()
as %Status
This method is called when the template is complete. Any
output to the principal device is returned to the Studio.
classmethod DrawDetailsContent(code As %String)
as %Status
This method draws policy detailed content.
classmethod DrawMessage(pSeed As %String)
as %Status
Passing in code or policy type, display description of it.
classmethod DrawNumSOAPClasses(pSeed As %String)
as %Status
This method is processed when user selects a CLASS type and clicks Next. TargetClass is passed in.
classmethod DrawPageTitle(pSeed As %String)
as %Status
classmethod GetMutualInfo(code As %String)
classmethod GetPolicyMessage(pCode As %String)
as %String
classmethod GetProtectionInfo(code As %String)
classmethod GetSSLInfo(code As %String)
code passed in is the Security Policy code.
classmethod GetSymmetricInfo(code As %String)
classmethod GetX509Info(code As %String, desc As %String)
code passed may contain code_R_ or code_I (if IsClient).
classmethod LoadList(Output Services)
as %String
Return Services and Clients valueList to be loaded into drop-downs.
method canFinish()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can Finish (i.e., enable
the Finish button).
method canGoBack()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the previous page (i.e., enable
the Back button).
method canGoNext()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the next page (i.e., enable
the Next button).
method changePolicy(policy)
[ Language = javascript ]
load, show/hide fiels based on policy selected.
method changeSecConv(flag)
[ Language = javascript ]
enable/disable DERIVEDKEYS based on Secure Conversation
method changeService(CLASS)
[ Language = javascript ]
user changed SERVER <=> CLIENT. need to reset any policy selection back to NONE.
method changeType(type, targetclass)
[ Language = javascript ]
prepare for tab 2.
method formValidationHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
Validation handler for form built-into template.
method getFinalValue(fieldName, fieldType)
[ Language = javascript ]
Return value of the given html field name and type.
method hasMultiplePages()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template has more than one "page".
This will display Back and Next buttons.
This is implemented by subclasses.
method nextPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the next page of the template (if there is one).
method onfinishHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is finished - gather selected values and put into hidden Zen fields for %OnTemplateAction.
The extra work is needed because most policy specific fields are html controls rather than Zen controls.
method onstartHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is first displayed;
This provides a chance to set focus etc.
method previousPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the previous page of the template (if there is one).
method resetMsg()
[ Language = javascript ]
method showMsg(msg)
[ Language = javascript ]
classmethod validateConfigurationName(classname As %String, replace As %Boolean)
as %String
[ ZenMethod ]