class %ZEN.Report.pivotTableGenerator
extends %RegisteredObject
Generate Pivot Table from information about the table
property aggs
as list of %ZEN.Report.aggregate;
aggregate that does the accumulating (SUM, COUNT, CUSTOM, etc.,)
property className
as %String;
class name of generated ZEN Report
property classNameForTotals
as %String;
class name of generated ZEN Report for totals (use get to add this report to XML)
property cols
as %String;
column that appears in columns 2-n of pivot table
property group
as %String [ InitialExpression = "group1" ];
group used in XML of generated ZEN Report
property reportName
as %String [ InitialExpression = "MyReport" ];
report name of generated ZEN Report
property rows
as %String;
column that appears in column 1 of pivot table
property table
as %String;
report name of generated ZEN Report for totals
Property reportNameForTotals As %String [ InitialExpression = "MyReport" ];
table of data that will be object of pivot
property value
as %String;
field that will be accumulated
classmethod CreateParameter(className As %String, Name As %String, Default As %String)
classmethod CreateProperty(className As %String, Name As %String, Type As %String, isZENURL As %Boolean)
classmethod CreateXDataSection(className As %String, xdataname As %String, stream As %Stream.TmpCharacter, namespace As %String)
as %Status
classmethod cond(col, name)
method genReportDefinition()
as %CharacterStream
method genReportDefinitionForTotals()
as %CharacterStream
method genReportDisplay()
as %CharacterStream
method genZenReport()
as %Status
method genZenReportForTotals()
method generateHeaders(ByRef stream As %CharacterStream, row As %Integer, pCol As %Integer)
method generateItems(ByRef stream As %CharacterStream)
method generateTotals(ByRef stream As %CharacterStream)
classmethod q(s As %String)
as %String