Class Reference
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The %XML.Writer controls export of XML from Caché. It generates a complete XML document including the <?xml> tag. %XML.Writer works sequentially, outputting the XML as it goes.
%XML.Writer works in two phases. During the first phase, any required parameters are set for the entire document, for example indentation, charset, output media. In the second phase the root element and its child elements are exported. The root element may be the export of a single object and its referenced objects. Or the root element may be a simple element with any number of objects exported as its children.
All parts of the XML document should be output using methods of this class. The Write method may be used to output unformatted and unescaped text inside the the root element of the document. In this case the user is responsible for proper management of namespaces and nesting. Additionally, the Object() and Element() may be used to output nested elements.
Namespace handling is for the most part automatic.
%XML.Writer adds namespaces, with automatically
created prefixes, to the XML output as needed.
The usage of namespaces is controlled by the
The following usage example wraps two instances of the Sample.Person class in set x1=##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)
set x2=##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(2)
set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
set writer.Charset="UTF-8"
set sc=writer.OutputToString()
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
s sc=writer.RootElement("CustomerList")
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
set sc=writer.Object(x1,"Customer")
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
set sc=writer.Object(x2,"Customer")
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
s sc=writer.EndRootElement()
If $$$ISERR(sc) Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
s string=writer.GetXMLString()
AttributeQualified indicates whether or not locally declared attributes must be qualified. See attributeFormDefault schema attribute.
Charset is the charset to use for encoding the XML output. The default depends upon the output destination. "UTF-8" is the default for output to files and binary streams. On a Unicode Caché, "UTF-16 is the default for output to character streams and strings. On an 8 bit Caché, the default charset for the locale is the default charset for output to character streams and strings.
The current indent level.
IfCycleCheck is true (1), then any object to be exported is checked for cycles in the referenced classes which could result inerror. The default is 1.
DefaultNamespace is the XML namespace to use for any exported classes that do not have the NAMESPACE parameter specified. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
DefaultXmlns allows optional specification of the XML namespace to use as the default XML namespace when SuppressXmlns is false.
ElementQualified indicates whether or not locally declared elements must be qualified. The default for Format="encoded"or "encoded12" = 0 and the default for Format="literal" is 1. See elementFormDefault schema attribute.
The format of the XML document: "literal", "encoded" or "encoded12", "literal" is the default. For "literal" formatting is according to the schema for this document. For "encoded" formatting use SOAP encoding as specified by section 5 of the SOAP 1.1 standard. For "encoded12" formatting use SOAP encoding as specified by part 2 of the SOAP 1.2 standard.
Indent specifies that indentation of the XML output should take place.
IndentChars specifies the character sequence to be used for each indent level if Indent=1.
IfNoXMLDeclaration is 1 (true), then the XML declaration will not be written. The default is to write the XML declaration unless Charset is not specified and the output is directed to a string or character stream in which case no XML declaration is written.
OutputTypeAttribute allows the user to force the inclusion of the xsi:type attribute for each element of object output.
IfReferencesInline is 1 (true), then encoded objects are exported inline. By default, SOAP encoded XMLExport of a class uses idref's for class instances referenced by a class that is being exported. This change allows the referenced class instances to be exported inline as for "literal" format. Note that unlike most properties of %XML.Writer, changing the value ofReferencesInline has immediate effect on the next object exported.
If XMLIGNORENULL = "runtime", then the behavior of XMLIGNORENULL is determined by theRuntimeIgnoreNull property.RuntimeIgnoreNull specifies the value of XMLIGNORENULL at runtime as either 0, 1 or inputonly. RuntimeIgnoreNull="inputonly" is equivalent to RuntimeIgnoreNull=0.
TheShallow controls shallow XML export of objects where referenced objects are not exported. Embedded (serial) objects will still be exported. To indicate shallow export, setShallow to 1 (default is 0). Note that unlike most properties of %XML.Writer, changing the value ofShallow has immediate effect on the next object exported.
IfSummary is 1 (true), then export the summary that is specified by the XMLSUMMARY class parameter. Otherwise, export the entire object.
SuppressXmlns allows optionally suppression of the use of xmlns= to set default XML namespace when ElementQualified is false. If SuppressXmlns is true then a prefix is used for each tag rather than default namespace with xmlns=.
AddInstanceNamespace adds the schema instance namespace to the document using the optional prefix. If the prefix argument is not specifed, "xsi" is used as the prefix.
AddNamespace adds a namespace to the XML document for all elements added at this nesting level. The prefix to be used for the namespace may optionally be specified with the prefix argument. A schemaLocation attribute value for the first definition of this namespace may also specified. For example, if many children of an element will use the same namespace, it is better to add the namespace above the containing element, so that the prefix may be defined only once at the containing level using the xmlns:prefix attribute.
AddSOAP12Namespace adds the SOAP 1.2 encoding, schema and schema instance namespaces to the document using the optional prefixes soapPrefix, schemaPrefixPrefix and xsiPrefix.
AddSOAPNamespace adds the SOAP 1.1 encoding, schema and schema instance namespaces to the document using the optional prefixes soapPrefix, schemaPrefixPrefix and xsiPrefix.
AddSchemaNamespace adds the schema namespace to the document using the optional prefix. If the prefix argument is not specifed, "s" is used as the prefix.
Do canonical formatting of attribute text
TheCanonicalTree method writes element content as represented by the %XML.Node class in canonicalized form specified by the Exclusive XML Canonicalization or Canonical XML (also called inclusive canonicalization) specification.
- node is the parse tree that represents the XML document to be output.
- For Exclusive XML Canonicalization PrefixList is a multidimensional array which specifies the prefixes that are included on the IncludedNamespaces list. PrefixList(prefix)="" if the prefix is on the list. If PrefixList is = "c14n", then inclusive canonicalization is performed.
- isSTR is for internal use. If true, keep xmlns="" on the APEX node as specified by WS-Security for canonicalization of XML freferenced by a SecurityTokenReference.
TheCanonicalize method writes an XML document with root element specified by the %XML.Node class in canonicalized form specified by the Exclusive XML Canonicalization or Canonical XML (also called inclusive canonicalization) specification.
- node is the parse tree that represents the XML document to be output.
- For Exclusive XML Canonicalization PrefixList is a multidimensional array which specifies the prefixes that are included on the IncludedNamespaces list. PrefixList(prefix)="" if the prefix is on the list. If PrefixList is = "c14n", then inclusive canonicalization is performed.
- If formatXML is true, the formatting specified for %XML.Writer rather than the formatting specified by the XML Canonicalization specification is used. The output is not strictly speaking canonical XML, but has done the namespace processing for canonical XML. This behavior is useful for outputting a fragment of an XML document, such as the SOAP body in the ProcessBodyNode callback from a web service, while still having some control of the format.
- isSTR is for internal use. If true, keep xmlns="" on the APEX node as specified by WS-Security for canonicalization of XML freferenced by a SecurityTokenReference.
Do canonical formatting of element text
TheDocument method writes the XML document represented by the %XML.Document class. TheDocument method initializes based on the properties of the %XML.Writer instance and does the output. document is the parse tree that represents the XML document to be output.
TheDocumentNode method writes the XML document represented by the %XML.Node class. TheDocumentNode method initializes based on the properties of the %XML.Writer instance and does the output. node is the parse tree that represents the XML document to be output.
Element outputs elements nested in the root object of an XML document.
There are two possible polymorphic formats for theElement method. The element to output may be either have its name specified as a %String or have the element specified as a%XML.Element instance. tag is the nexted element specified either as a tag name or an%XML.Element instance.
namespace optionally specifies the default namespace for this element and any nested elements.
Finish output of the XML document
EndElement outputs the end element for the matching element started with theElement method.
EndRootElement is the method to end the root element.
EndWrite restores the current device to before matching StartWrite. This method can be used in any part of the XML document.
GetXMLString gets output generated using OutputToString.
Object outputs objects nested in the root object of an XML document.
- object is the XML enabled object instance to output.
- tag optionally specifies the tag name to be used for this element.
- namespace optionally specifies the default namespace for this object. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
- local specifies if the element is treated as a local element. Default is 0 (false).
- className is the expected name of this object's class. If the className is specified and this class's name is not equal to the name in className, then add a xsi:type attribute to the element.
- bare is for internal ISC use only.
OutputToDevice sets output to the current device which is the default if no output method is specified.
OutputToFile sets output to be directed to a new file, named filename.
OutputToStream sets output to be directed to a stream. export is the exported stream. If export is the oref of a stream, the XML document will be written to this existing stream at the current position. If export is "", then a new %FileBinaryStream will be created to contain the XML document and its oref returned. In this case, export must be passed by reference.
OutputToString sets output to be directed to a string. GetXMLStringmay be called after output is complete to a string to retrieve the output.
TheParsePrefixList parses the PrefixList that is specified for Exclusive Canonicalization as a list of NMTOKENS. True (1) is returned if the parsing is successful.
TheReset method may be called after an XML document has been output byRootObject orRootElement to reintialize the properties and output method of the XML document.
TheRootElement method writes only the root element of the XML document Child elments must be written by the user. TheRootElement method initializes based on the properties of the %XML.Writer instance and does the output. EndRootElement() writes the final end tag and closes the output device. After EndRootElement() is called, the properties may be modified andRootObject orRootElement called again to output another document.
There are two possible polymorphic formats for theRootElement method. The element to output may be either have its name specified as a %String or have the element specified as a%XML.Element instance. root is the root element specified either as a tag name or an%XML.Element instance.
namespace optionally specifies the default namespace for this element and any nested elements.
RootObject will output the document as a single object instance and all its references. TheRootObject method initializes itself based on the properties of the %XML.Writer instance and does the output. When output is complete, it writes the final end tag and closes the output device. At this point, the %XML.Writer properties may be modified andRootObject orRootElement called again to output another document.
If the Format="encoded" property is used and
- object is the XML enabled object instance to output.
- tag optionally specifies the tag name to be used for this element.
- namespace optionally specifies the default namespace for this object. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
- className is the expected name of this object's class. If the className is specified and this class's name is not equal to the name in className, then add a xsi:type attribute to the element.
- bare is for internal ISC use only.
RootObject called, then all object instances will be output as embedded in the top level object. This is usually not desired and therefore objects to be output using SOAP encoding should usually be enclosed in by a root element usingRootElement andEndRootElement .
Start output of the XML document IfallowForest = true, then mutiple root nodes are allowed.
StartWrite sets the current device for writing arbitrary text in the XML document without any escaping being done. This method can be used in any part of the XML document.
TheTree method writes the XML document node represented by the %XML.Node class and its tree of descendants.. node is an %XML.Node class that is positioned at the node to output.
Write writes arbitrary text in the XML document without any escaping being done. This method can be used in any part of the XML document.
- text The character data to output. Type of %String or %CharacterStream.
TheWriteAttribute method writes an attribute for the last element started. This method may only be called immediately after StartElement or Element.
Arguments: - name is the attribute name and is required.
- value is the attribute value and is required.
- namespace is the optional namespace for the attribute name. If namespace is not specified, then the default XML namespace is used for the attribute name.
- valueNamespace is the namespace for the value.
If valueNamespace is not specified (the most usual case), no namespace prefix is used for the value. valueNamespace is used for attributes like xsi:type whose value comes from an XML schema namespace. - global is true if the attribute is global in the associated XML schema and thus should have a prefix. Default is false.
WriteBase64 encodes the specified binary bytes as base64 and writes out the resulting text. This method is used to write element content.
- binary The binary data to output. Type of %Binary or %BinaryStream.
WriteBinHex encodes the specified binary bytes as binhex and writes out the resulting text. This method is used to write element content.
- binary The binary data to output. Type of %Binary or %BinaryStream.
WriteCData writes XML element text in a CData section. This method is used to write element content.
- text The character data to output. Type of %String or %CharacterStream.
WriteChars writes XML element text performing any required escaping. This method is used to write element content.
- text The character data to output. Type of %String or %CharacterStream.
WriteComment writes out a comment containing the specified text. This method can be used in any part of the XML document.
- text Text to place inside the comment. Type of %String or %CharacterStream.
WriteDocType writes the DOCTYPE declaration with the specified name and optional attributes. This method may only be called before the root element is written.
- name The name of the DOCTYPE. This must be non-empty.
- PublicId If non-null it also writes PUBLIC "PublicId" "SystemId" where PublicId and SystemId are replaced with the value of the given arguments.
- SystemId If PublicId is null and SystemId is non-null it writes SYSTEM "SystemId" where SystemId is replaced with the value of this argument.
- subset If non-null it writes [Subset] where Subset is replaced with the value of this argument.
WriteProcessingInstruction writes out a processing instruction with a space between the name and text as follows: <?name text?>. This method may only be called outside the root element is written.
- name Name of the processing instruction.
- text Text to include in the processing instruction.