abstract class %XGEN.AbstractGroup
Note: This class is included because it is needed by
other parts of the library. You should not use this or any other class within
this package within your applications as a future version will
be incompatible. If you are interested in this functionality
please contact InterSystems.
This abstract class is the basis for all groups within XGEN
(such as documents or sequences).
%XGEN.AbstractDocument for an overview of XGEN.
User classes should not extend this class, instead they should extend
%XGEN.AbstractDocument or
property children
This is the set of child nodes that belong to this sequence.
property skipChildren
as %Boolean(XMLPROJECTION="NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If this transient property is true, then the children of the group will not
be processed. This provides a way for a subclass to disable processing of a group.