serial class %WebStress.Playback.Session
extends %SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor
property CSPSessionCookie
as %String(MAXLEN="");
The cookie that will be used by this session.
The session makes a call to the server before any playback starts to get the initial session data.
property CSPSessionToken
as %String(MAXLEN="");
The token that will be used by this session (if cookies are not being sent by the server). This is the CSPCHD token
The session makes a call to the server before any playback starts to get the initial session data.
property CSPSessionType
as %String(DISPLAYLIST=",Cookie,Token",VALUELIST=",C,T");
The type of session ID that will be used (see above)
property HttpRequest
as %WebStress.HttpRequest;
The HttpRequest object that this session will use to communicate with the web server
property Iterations
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
The number of iterations of a script that this session has made
property Record
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
A boolean flag that shows whether or not this session is in 'record' mode
property WebServer
as %String;
The web server to be used by this session