Class Reference
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Private Storage |
This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
Studio debugging interface.
Properties | ||||
Breakpoints | CSPId | Debug | IO | LastError |
Project | Watchpoints | trace |
Current breakpoint information for target process
SessionId if attached to CSP process
System Debugger object
I/O redirection flag
Last error
Current watchpoint information for target process
Attach to another process having process id of pid.Fails if already attached (use
Unattach first),or if pid is invalid.On successful completion, process is attached and a break issued. The process will be in break mode upon completion of its current operation.
Attach to a CSP process, first you must call theGetCSPAttachID to obtain the ID to pass to this method.
Send a BREAK to the target process.A successful return indicates the target will be in break mode on completion of the current command.
Issue IsStopped to determine if target is in break mode.
Perform a debug command.
Evaluate and return the value of expression expr within the target process.
To attach to a CSP process, first call this method which will return you a unique ID number. Then display the CSP page but add an extra parameter of 'CSPDEBUG=<ID>' for example 'http://localhost/csp/samples/loop.csp?CSPDEBUG=123456'. Then call theAttachToCSP method which will attach to the process that is running this CSP page.
Gather information about a process
Return the current location of the debugger. This includes both the command and the argument positions.
Return the routine source at the current location
Gets the simple stack information sent from the target.
Requests stack variable info.
Gets the value of a variable.
Continue the current process
Continue the current process
Given a document name, label and line offset it returns the name and line corresponding to this in the INT code returntype values areFor example if you wish to find out which line is generated from class 'User.Test' in method 'MyMethod' at offset '+3' you call:
- 0 - Ok
- 1 - Line given is not mapped so returning the next mapped line as breakpoint instead
- 2 - No mapping found at all, nothing returned
type is one of 'CLS' or 'MAC' currently.Set sc=##class(%Studio.Debugger).INTLine("User.Test.CLS","MyMethod",3,.intname,.intline,.returntype)
Interrupt the target process. The current command will be interrupted. Execution will proceed with the next command.
Returns 1 if the target is stopped in break mode. 0 indicates target is still running. 2 indicates target has exited debugger or fatal error.
Return the list of source files that the routine and line map to. The format of each source file data is:routineName.routineType,label,line,namespace
Return the list of source files that the position passed in maps to. Each source file is separated by a space character. The format of each source file data is:routineName,label,beginCmdLine,beginCmdOffset,endCmdLine,endCmdOffset,beginArgLine,beginArgOffset,endArgLine,endArgOffset,Namespace
Return the list of source files that the current break point maps to starting with the INT/BAS routine. Each source file is separated by a space character. The format of each source file data is:routineName,label,beginCmdLine,beginCmdOffset,endCmdLine,endCmdOffset,beginArgLine,beginArgOffset,endArgLine,endArgOffset,Namespace
return process id of attached target
Check if routine is mapped to current namespaceReturns 1 if succesful, 0 if not mapped to current
Set all break points defined in project.Return 0 if project=NULL, else return status code from SetBreakpoint
Sets a variable to a value.
Given INT routine name and line number and offset in this line return an array of source lines that map to this INT line. The format of this return array is:map(type,StartEnd)=$listbuild(sourceName,sourceLabel,sourceLine,Offset,Namespace)
Where StartEnd is 1 for the start of the map and 2 for the end, sourceName is the name of the source file, sourceLabel is the method/label name, sourceLine is the number of lines from this label to the location, Offset is the offset on the line, Namespace is the location of the source file.
Job off a routine that executes tag. If breakpoints are specified, the target will halt at the first breakpoint.
Unattach from the current process, if any.Returns $$$OK if succesful, $$$ERROR if nothing to detach from
Write to target process
Selects PID As%String , Namespace As%String , Routine As%String , State As%String , Device As%String
Selects Expression As%String , Value As%String
Get the values of the specified $c(1)-separated list of variables.
Selects Expression As%String , Value As%String
Get the properties of the specified variable whose value is an oref. %Studio.General::DumpObjectExecute implements logic to dump object and collect properties in qHandle array. WatchList query from %Studio.Debugger to deliver array to client.