Class Reference
![]() |
Private Storage |
Abstract Class that
Methods are
Important after
Each of the methods of this class returns a value of type %Status indicating success or failure.
The charset used for each text mail message part is returned in theThe following shows an example of getting messages:
#include %occOptions #include %occStatus ; display mail but don't delete from mailbox testmail6 ; new mailserver,status,err,mailMsg set mailserver=##class(%Net.POP3).%New() set mailserver.AttachDir="d:\attach\" ; need terminating \ set mailserver.StoreAttachToFile=1 write !,"Calling Connect" set status=mailserver.Connect("","testjsl","jsltest") if $$$ISERR(status) do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(status,.err) write !,err(err),! quit write !,"Calling Fetch to retrieve the oldest message on the server." set status=mailserver.Fetch(1,.mailMsg,0) if $$$ISERR(status) do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(status,.err) write !,err(err),! quit write !,"from="_mailMsg.From write !,"to="_mailMsg.Headers.GetAt("to") write !,"date="_mailMsg.Date write !,"subject="_mailMsg.Subject write !,"messagesize="_mailMsg.MessageSize do DumpMessage(mailMsg) quit DumpMessage(msg) new i,index,value,len if msg.IsMultiPart { for i=1:1:msg.Parts.Count() write !,"Dumping part "_i do DumpMessage(msg.Parts.GetAt(i)) quit } set index="" for set value=msg.Headers.GetNext(.index) quit:index="" write !,"Headers("_index_")="_value if msg.IsBinary { write !,"msg is binary, filename="_msg.FileName_" filename="_msg.GetAttribute("content-disposition","filename") } else { write !,"Dumping text msg Filename="_msg.FileName_" filename="_msg.GetAttribute("content-disposition","filename"),! set stream=msg.TextData do stream.Rewind() set len=32763 while 'stream.AtEnd { write stream.Read(.len) } } quit
Properties | |||
AttachDir | Connected | Debug | StoreAttachToFile |
StoreInlineToFile |
Subclasses |
%Net.POP3 |
When receiving messages using POP3, the directory where attached files will be stored
We always store attachments as a part in the message. If StoreAttachToFile=true and content-disposition MIME header of attachment part = "attachment", we ALSO store to the directory specified in AttachDir
We always store attachments as a part in the message. If StoreInlineToFile=true and content-disposition MIME header of attachment part = "inline", we ALSO store to the directory specified in AttachDir
Protect against terminating without doing a quit
Use to logon to your mail server using the username and password that are the parameters to this routine.
This method deletes a single message. MessageNumber must be a valid message number and the message must not be currently marked for deletion.
This method retrieves a single message. MessageNumber must be a valid message number and the message must not be currently marked for deletion.
Msg is a MailMessage (possibly multipart) and a return parameter. The fetched mail message is returned in this parameter
If Delete is 1, the message is deleted. If 0, it is not deleted.
If messageStream is specified, then the original message is written to this binary stream. messageStream needs to be a binary stream since mail messages may include binary data and multiple charsets.
This method retrieves a single eml format message from a binary stream. messageStream must be a binary stream containing the message.
Msg is a MailMessage (possibly multipart) and a return parameter. The fetched mail message is returned in this parameter
This method retrieves a single message. MessageNumber must be a valid message number and the message must not be currently marked for deletion.
Msg is a MailMessage (possibly multipart) and a return parameter. The fetched mail message is returned in this parameter
If Delete is 1, the message is deleted. If 0, it is not deleted.
FetchMessage also returns selected headers in additional by reference parameters as well as the array of all headers.
This method retrieves a single message. MessageNumber must be a valid message number and the message must not be currently marked for deletion.
An upper bound is put on number of lines of message text retrieved by Lines.
The text of the retrieved message is returned in the MessageText argument as a %String.
FetchMessageInfo is typically used to get From, Date, and other header information without actually getting the message text. This allows one to filter out messages from parties one wishes to exclude or to zero in on messages one particularly wants. Since getting message text is something that can happen over a slow modem, this is a desirable feature.
Get information about your mail box, the number of bytes it contains, and the number of messages;
For the message number singled out by MessageNumber, this function returns the corresponding unique id. The message number must not correspond to a non-existent message or a message already marked for deletion or an error message is returned.
The unique message identifier is at most 70 characters long and each character is ASCII and printable (0x21 to 0x7E).
Each identifier is unique within the mailbox and is persistent. If a given message has a particular unique identifier in one session, it must have the same unique ID in all sessions. Once used, a given UID can never be reused even if the corresponding message is deleted.
If a specified message (corresponding to MessageNumber) does not exist or is marked for deletion, the function returns an error %Status.
This command is used to implement a poor mans server-based message store. Basically, a client does not automatically delete messages, after getting messages, then at the start of each session, it calls GetMessageUIDs to obtain a list of all messages currently on the server. Any UIDs not currently known by the client are retrieved. That of course requires the client to keep track of the UIDs for all retrieved messages.
If you pass in an empty string "", an array with an element for each of the messages not marked for deletion is returned. Each element of the array has the message number as its index and the unique message identifier (UID) as its value..
If you pass in a message number, a one element array is returned. The element has the message number as its index and unique message identifier (UID) as its value. An error status is returned if a message with this message number does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
The unique message identifier is at most 70 characters long and each character is ASCII and printable (0x21 to 0x7E).
Each identifier is unique within the mailbox and is persistent. If a given message has a particular unique identifier in one session, it must have the same unique ID in all sessions. Once used, a given UID can never be reused even if the corresponding message is deleted.
If a specified message (corresponding to MessageNumber) does not exist or is marked for deletion, the function returns an error status.
This command is used to implement a poor man's server-based message store. Basically, a client does not automatically delete messages, after getting messages, then at the start of each session, it calls GetMessageUIDArray to obtain an array of all messages currently on the server. Any UIDs not currently known by the client are retrieved. That of course requires the client to keep track of the UIDs for all retrieved messages.
If you pass in an empty string "", an array with an element for each of the messages not marked for deletion is returned. Each element of the array has the message number as its index and the size of the message in bytes as its value..
If you pass in a message number, a one element array is returned. The element has the message number as its index and the size of the message in bytes as its value. An error status is returned if a message with this message number does not exist or has been marked for deletion.
This function is used to prevent an autologout timer from expiring or to determine if the server is still functioning on the connection.
This method ends the session of this Protocl object with the mail server.
Also, as a side-effect, any messages marked for deletion are deleted.
This function (or its companion QuitAndRollback) must be executed before the process that issued a connect ends or havoc could be wreaked upon the mail server. (Mail servers do not have to bullet proof themselves against connects not followed by a quit.)
This function calls RollbackDeletes and then quits.
This method ends the session of this Protocl object with the mail server.
This function (or its companion QuitAndCommit) must be executed before the process that issued a connect ends or havoc could be wreaked upon the mail server. (Mail servers do not have to bullet proof themselves against connects not followed by a quit.)
This method unmarks any messages previously marked for deletion.