class %Monitor.System.Dashboard2
extends %Monitor.Adaptor
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("LastBackup") /* date/time of last backup
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("Processes",i) /* cpu time for 'n' highest processes
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ProcessesGlobal",i) /* global refs for 'n' highest processes
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("CSPSessions") /* number of current CSP sessions
Value = OK, Troubled, Warning based on space available > 5MB, < 5MB, <2MB
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("DatabaseSpace", directory) = directory of low database
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("SeriousAlerts") /* text of alerts found in alerts.log
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ECPServers") /* status of ECP servers if system is a client
Value = OK, Troubled, Warning based on status
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ECPServers",name)=name of troubled server
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ECPClients") /* status of connections if system is a server
Value = OK, Troubled, Warning based on status
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ECPClients",name)=name of troubled client
Value = OK, Troubled, Warning based on space in journal directory
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("JournalSpace","Space")=space available if not OK
Value = OK, Troubled, Warning based PerCent Used > 85%, > 95%
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ApplicationErrors") /*count of application errors
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ApplicationErrors", Namespace) /* application errors in namespaces
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ShadowConnections")=OK or "Troubled" based on status on this data source
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("ShadowConnections","Error",datetime)=error information
^CacheTemp.SysMetrics("WriteDaemon") =OK or "Troubled"
A WD is "Troubled" if:
The current WD pass is the same as the last sample, AND
the number of blocks scheduled to be written is not 0 AND
the total count of buffers which are being written as part of the current pass is not 0, AND
the interval between the last check is > 60 seconds.
method GetAppErrs()
as %Status
method GetECP()
as %Status
method GetSMH()
as %Status
method GetSample()
as %Status
A return code of $$$OK indicates there is a new sample instance.
A return code of 0 indicates there is no sample instance.
method GetShadows()
as %Status
method GloStats()
as %Status
Get system metric sample
A return code of $$$OK indicates there is a new sample instance.
A return code of 0 indicates there is no sample instance.
method Initialize()
as %Status
Initialize routine metrics.
method Startup()
as %Status
This method is called once when the control object is created at the beginning of sampleing.
The user may initialize the control class