abstract class %IO.IParts.MetaIO
Abstract implementation class providing methods used by MetaStreams to wrapper one or more %IO streams, %Library streams or %Stream streams.
property StreamIn
as %IO.I.Stream;
Read from another stream whenever there's a Read
%IO.I.Stream or %Stream.Object
property StreamsCopyInput
as %ArrayOfObjects;
Write to other streams whenever there's a Read
*IO.I.Stream or %Stream.Object; indexed by oref to avoid duplicates */
property StreamsOutput
as %ArrayOfObjects;
Write to other streams whenever there's a Write
%IO.I.Stream or %Stream.Object; indexed by oref to avoid duplicates */
property WriteToStreamIn
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
method %OnNew(pBaseStream As %IO.I.Stream = "")
as %Status
method AtEndGet()
as %Boolean
method BindCopyInput(pOutputStreams...)
as %Status
method BindCopyInputArray(ByRef pOutputStreams)
as %Status
method BindInput(pInputStream As %IO.I.Stream, Output pSC As %Status)
method BindOutput(pOutputStreams...)
as %Status
method BindOutputArray(ByRef pOutputStreams)
as %Status
method Close(Output pSC As %Status)
as %Boolean
method CopyFrom(pSource As %IO.I.Stream, ByRef pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, pFlush As %Boolean, Output pSC As %Status)
as %Integer
method Flush(Output pSC As %Status)
method FlushCopyInput(Output pSC As %Status)
method IsOpenGet()
as %Boolean
method PositionGet()
as %Integer
method Read(pMaxReadLen As %Integer, ByRef pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pSC As %Status)
as %String
method Reset(pStream As %IO.I.Stream = $$$NULLOREF, pTimeout As %Numeric, Output pSC As %Status)
method Rewind(Output pSC As %Status)
method Seek(pPosition As %Integer, Output pSC As %Status)
as %Boolean
method SizeGet()
as %Integer
method Write(pData As %String = "", pFlush As %Boolean, Output pSC As %Status)