Class Reference
Private  Storage

abstract class %Exception.AbstractException extends %Exception.CPPException

The %Exception.AbstractException defines the interface to exceptions that may be caught and thrown via the try/catch exception handling facilities. Users wishing to define new exception classes should inherit from this interface class. Only instances of classes that inherit from %Exception.AbstractException may be thrown with the 'throw' command.


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers


AsSQLCODE AsSQLMessage AsStatus DisplayString
OnAsSQLMessage OutputToDevice OutputToStream SQLMessageString

%CPT.HPT.Exception %Exception.SQL %Exception.StatusException
%Exception.SystemException %Identity.Exception %XSQL.Exception


• final method AsSQLCODE() as %Integer
Convert this exception to an SQLCODE Message value
• final method AsSQLMessage() as %String
• final method AsStatus() as %Status
Convert this exception to a %Status compatible value
• method DisplayString(pLevel As %Integer = 0) as %String
This returns a string that represents the exception. Users should feel free to modify the format in subclasses
• method OnAsSQLMessage() as %String
• method OutputToDevice(pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This outputs the string representation of the exception to the current device, recursively outputing any inner exceptions.
• method OutputToStream(pStream As %CharacterStream, pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This outputs the string representation of the exception to the supplied stream, recursively outputting any inner exceptions
• method SQLMessageString(pLevel As %Integer = 0)
This returns a string that represents the SQL %msg string. Users should feel free to modify the format and content in subclasses This returns a string that represents the SQL %msg string. Users should feel free to modify the format and content in subclasses DEPRECATED - use AsSQLMessage() instead. Override OnAsSQLMessage() to customize the value returned by AsSQLMessage().