Class Reference
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Private Storage |
DeepSee Folder Manager page.
Docbook ID for this page.
Name of this page.
This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on at least one of the specified resources in order to view this page or invoke any of its server-side methods from the client.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE.
Export directory.
Current folder name.
List of selected files.
List of selected items.
Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
Decorate the page.
Get the (localized) name of the page.
Get the product name for the page.
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
Delete the current selected list.
Draw contents of export directory.
Draw content of folders list.
Draw content of the help box.
Export the current selected list.
Get details on selected item.
Import the current selected file list.
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
Save folder information.
Delete the given folder item.
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
Click on all check box.
Click on checkbox.
Delete the given folder.
Delete the given item.
Delete selected items.
Export selected items.
Return an array of selected files in export directory.
Return an array of selected folder items.
Import selected items.
Subclass need to include the case "switchNamespace" if it is enabling "Switch" next to namespace.
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
Reload the folder list.
Click on row.
Save folder details.
Change in search box value. Overridden by subclasses.
Select all files in export directory.
Select a file in the export directory.
Set the export directory.
Hide/show folders in list.
Update the item details box.