class %DeepSee.UI.Dialog.finderDialog
extends %ZEN.Dialog.finderDialog
DeepSee version of the Zen finder dialog.
Supports the following "modes":
"cubes" (only cubes)
"subjects" (only subjectAreas)
"subjectAreas" (cubes + subjectAreas as one list (for querying))
"models" (cubes + subjectAreas as separate lists (for modeling))
"modelsSA" (same as "models" but show subject areas by default)
"datasources" = "kpis"+"pivots"+"worksheets" (+metrics)
"sourceclasses" (for Architect: persistent,data connector, and collections)
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter DOMAIN = "%DeepSee";
Localization domain
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
Add components to page.
method GetFinderArray(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output pData)
as %Status
Provide the source data (as an array) that will drive the finder.
classmethod IsCompound(subjectAreaFullName)
as %String
[ ZenMethod ]
This method evaluates whether the subjectArea user selected has a compound baseCube.
Returns message if it is a compound base cube. Otherwise return null.
method OnGetCategoryInfo(pCategory As %String, Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pIcons As %List)
as %Status
Get information to display in the category box.
method drawDetails(item, finder, index)
[ Language = javascript ]
Provide HTML for details on selected item in finder.
method getDeepSeeIcon(item)
[ Language = javascript ]
Return the icon for a DeepSee item or null if this is not a DeepSee item.
method getItemIcon(item)
[ Language = javascript ]
Return the icon for the item in "icons" mode.
method ondialogFinish(action)
as %Boolean
[ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the user presses the OK or Apply action buttons.
If this returns false, then the action is cancelled.