Class Reference
![]() |
Private Storage |
DeepSee Analyzer page.
Subclasses |
%DeepSee.UserPortal.Analyzer |
URL for Analyzer.
If this page has multiple views, this is its initial display mode.
Docbook ID for this page.
Name of this page.
If true, we are launched from the USER portal.
List of captions for any actions for the current cube.
List of names for any actions for the current cube.
URL for Analyzer.
Initial value of autoexec setting for pivot table.
If true, user can modify (non-read-only) pivots.
Chart series color list.
Chart series color scheme.
Name of Cube (with extension).
Name of cube to explore.
If true, use the new analysis dialog.
If true, show the print/pdf option.
Convenience property. Setting this true is equivalent to NOTITLE=1
If true, show one chart for each data series.
If true, then do not display the title area of this page.
Description of the saved pivot (if any).
Keywords of the saved pivot (if any).
Locked state of the saved pivot.
Name of saved pivotTable to view (overrides CUBE if present).
Owner of the saved pivot (if any).
Public state of the saved pivot.
Resource of the saved pivot (if any).
If true, user cannot modify the current pivot.
Current CSP session.
If true, show the dimensions tree.
If true, send e-mail using client-side mailto application.
Create the set of filter controls along the top of the pivot table.
pGroup is the parent group containing the filter controls.
pPivot is the pivot table supplying the filter definitions.
Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
This class method callback is called just before the server-side page object is created.
Add include files to support color schemes.
Get the name for the page.
Get the product name for the page.
Get the (localized) title string for the page.
Zen page notification of an HTTP request. This method can be overwritten by subclasses.
This is called before the standard Zen pre-HTTP processing occurs.
Called from client to delete a named filter.
Delete the pivot table.
Draw cube name above member tree.
Define any context links for the context menu in the header.
Provide contents of the dimension tree.
Draw additional stuff in the ribbon bar
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
Save the pivot table.
Called from client to update list of filters.
User chose an action.
Launch the calculated member dialog..
Launch the add named filter dialog..
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
Change of auto-exec checkbox.
Test if the user has write privilege.
Launch the subject area finder dialog.
User has clicked on a chart element.
Create additional charts, one per data series.
Delete the selected Calculated Member or named filter.
Delete the pivot table.
Export current query to excel
Export current query to PDF.
User has changed a filter control value.
Drop down is about to appear for filter control.
Get the type of the current chart.
Return the current chart, if any.
Get the grid type of the current chart.
Return the current pivot table.
Get the value and text of the selected item in the tree (as an object).
Test if the current item in the tree is a calculated member. If so, return the index of the item within the calculatedMembers array.
Test if the current item in the tree is a named filter. If so, return the filter name else return ''.
Launch the open saved pivot finder dialog.
email this pivot.
Create a new saved pivot.
This client event is fired when a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
Launch the save pivot dialog.
Launch the send email dialog. Copy of method in %DeepSee.UserPortal.standardPage.
Apply the chart dialog options to the current chart.
Do the actual work of updating the view to match the current view mode.
Launch the pivot analysis dialog.
Launch the chart options dialog.
Launch the cell format options dialog.
Launch the pdf options dialog.
Launch the pivot options dialog.
Launch the show query dialog.
Toggle autoexec mode.
User has selected a new element in the tree control.
User has double-clicked on an element in the tree control.
Update the contents of the member tree.