class %DeepSee.Report.UI.pageSetupControl
extends %ZEN.Component.control
Page setup control
parameter INCLUDEFILES = "zenCSLM.js";
CSV list of additional include files (either .js or .css) that
should be included when this component is used on a page.
By default, the file extension (.js or .css) is used to determine whether an
item in the list is a script include or a style include. You can override
this behavior by adding the terms "script:" or "style:" to the beginning of
the file name or names. This prefix is not used as part of the include filename.
method %DrawHTML()
The %DrawHTML method draws the initial HTML for this component.
method GetStockPaperOptions()
as %ZEN.Datatype.string
[ ZenMethod ]
method autoCount(prefix, time)
[ Language = javascript ]
method autoIncDec(prefix)
[ Language = javascript ]
method buildStockArray()
[ Language = javascript ]
method computeBodyAreaSize()
[ Language = javascript ]
method configureHeadersCB(who, which)
[ Language = javascript ]
method constrainDragX(mgr, wrapper, newX)
[ Language = javascript ]
method constrainDragY(mgr, wrapper, newY)
[ Language = javascript ]
method countDownCB(prefix)
[ Language = javascript ]
method countUpCB(prefix)
[ Language = javascript ]
method endDrag(mgr, wrapper)
[ Language = javascript ]
method getPixelToPointRatioH()
[ Language = javascript ]
method getPixelToPointRatioV()
[ Language = javascript ]
method getStdStockDetails(name)
[ Language = javascript ]
Return the topology record associated with the given (localized)
stock name
method indexDragElement(node)
[ Language = javascript ]
method initializePaperSelector()
[ Language = javascript ]
method initializeSpinners()
[ Language = javascript ]
method initializeValueObject(v)
[ Language = javascript ]
method onloadHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
method selectOrientationCB(who)
[ Language = javascript ]
method selectPaperCB(who)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the point size of the page based on the logical name of the physical paper type
Note that the nominal page width and height always assume a portrait orientation
method setDragLineDisplay(prefix, value)
[ Language = javascript ]
method setQuantumUnit(n)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the quantum unit for incrementing and decrementing spinners.
This is effectively the decimal convertion from points to whatever
units are associated with the selected paper size
method setUnitsString(prefix, str)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the displayed units to the given string within the given spinner object,
identified by prefix
method setValueDisplay(prefix, v)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of one of the many spinners, identified by prefix code.
The internal value is in points, however the display value is coverted to
either millimeters or inches depending on paper selection
method startDrag(engine, wrapper)
[ Language = javascript ]
method stopCountCB(prefix)
[ Language = javascript ]
method updateAvatar()
[ Language = javascript ]
method updateConstraints()
[ Language = javascript ]
method updatePagePreview()
[ Language = javascript ]
method validate(prefix, e)
[ Language = javascript ]
Confirm that the entered number meets the current contraints applicable to the
given spinner, identified by prefix code.