class %DeepSee.Query.Engine
extends %RegisteredObject
Contains the logic for calculating the results of a DeepSee query.
parameter MAXLISTING = 20000;
Maximum number of items in a listing.
Setting this above 20000 can cause browser timeouts.
classmethod %AggregateAccum(pFunction As %String, ByRef pFlags, ByRef pContext, pValue)
as %Status
This is called during processing for an aggregate function.
It is called for each value in the set being aggregated.
classmethod %AggregateEnd(pFunction As %String, ByRef pFlags, ByRef pContext, Output pResult, Output pPendingInfo, pCubeName As %String = "", pQueryKey As %String = "")
as %Status
This is called at the end of processing for an aggregate function.
If the aggregate is being computed in the background, then pPendingInfo will contain details.
classmethod %AggregateStart(pFunction As %String, ByRef pFlags, ByRef pContext)
as %Status
This is called at the start of processing for an aggregate function.
pFunction is the aggregate function.
pFlags is a set of flags for the aggregate function.
pContext is used to hold any context required to compute the
classmethod %ClearCache(pCubeName As %String, pResultsOnly As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Clear the results cache for the given cube.
If pResultsOnly is true, then only clear the results cache.
classmethod %CubeRemoved(pCubeName As %String, pClassName As %String)
as %Status
Notification that a cube has been removed / recompiled.