class %DeepSee.Component.Widget.portlet
extends %DeepSee.Component.Widget.widget
A specialized DeepSee Dashboard widget that displays a user-defined "portlet".
A portlet serves users defined HTML or SVG content that is displayed within the widge.
The portlet type is specified by the subtype property.
method %CreateController(pGroup As %ZEN.Component.abstractGroup, Output pController As %ZEN.Auxiliary.abstractController)
as %Status
If this widget has a data source, create a data controller that
will serve this data to the client.
The controller's id is "controller" (within the scope of this widget).
classmethod %GetCatalogInfo(Output pInfo As %List, Output pSubtypeList As %List)
as %Status
Return information used to list this widget within the "widget catalog".
classmethod %GetWidgetPropertyInfo(pSubtype As %String, Output pInfo As %List)
as %Status
Return information on additional "properties" supported by this widget for the given subtype.
method %OnCreateWidget(pGroup As
as %Status
This callback is responsible for creating the contents of the widget.
method adjustContentSize(load, width, height)
[ Language = javascript ]
Called when page is loaded or widget is resized.
method getDataController()
[ Language = javascript ]
If this widget contains a data controller, return it.
This allows for generic capabilities in this base class.