class %CSP.UI.System.TaskPane
extends %CSP.Util.Pane
This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
This pane is used by Task Manager Configuration
property Actions
as array of %CSP.Util.Action(XMLKEYNAME="name");
An array of actions, indexed by column name in the query.
These are associated with columns in a table.
If the subscript name starts with a $, then the
action is displayed as an additional column in the table.
property MaxColumns
as %Integer;
Max number of columns to show.
property Query
as %String(MAXLEN=128);
Name of the class query that provides info for the Table.
This is a full name: e.g., "Package.Class:QueryName"
property ShowRowNumbers
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then rows numbers are displayed.
property ShowZebra
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then rows are displayed using zebra styling.
property Sortable
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, then rows in the table can be sorted.
method DrawBODY(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Draw the BODY of the detail pane
method DrawButton(LinkAction As %String, Caption As %String)
Generic method to Draw a EnsButton on the home page
method DrawHEAD(pInstance As PageInstance)
as %Status
Overwritten by subclasses to draw anything this pane needs for the HEAD section.
method DrawHistory()
method DrawStatus()
method OnGenerateCode()
as %String
Subclasses override this to generate code during CSP processing
classmethod Purge(days As %Integer)
This method is called when user clicks Start button
classmethod Resume()
This method is called when user clicks Resume button
classmethod Start()
This method is called when user clicks Start button
classmethod Suspend()
This method is called when user clicks Suspend button
classmethod UpdateStatus(nStatus, checkStatus)
This method is called when user clicks Start button