Class Reference
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Private Storage |
Zen page for System Management Portal - FileMan wizard
Switch namespace for this page
This parameter is used to make sure that if multiple CSP applications are mapped to the same namespace that the CSP engine can correctly identify which class corresponds with which URL. If 'LockCSPName' is true (the default, defined in the CSP application) then you can only access this page if the url exactly matches this 'CSPURL'. You can set this parameter to "" if you wish to disable this check for this class. This check is applied for all CSP urls (cls/csp/zen).
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter is automatically set to contain the url of this file used for compilation.
Displayed name of this page.
This parameter defines the parent page for this page.
If the name ends in .csp, then the parent is assumed to be an autopage-enabled CSP page.
If the name ends in .cls, then the parent is assumed to be a Zen page.
This is used to automate the construction of the locator bar for this page and to build the index between portal pages and documentation.
The %GetLocatorInfo method is used to get this information.
Security requirement
Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
Subclasses with extra layers of locator links or other than "Configuration" please override.
Set Locator bar and determine whether to show change password option.
Clear cart completely.
Final call from the background job to create classes.
Actually write out result. When the page is first opened, seed is null. When it's called from Prepare, seed = action^the selected locale.
Build tree for cart. If specific numbers are selected show them in sub tree. The first piece of %session.Data("FileMan",t) is NAME of the file
Start background job to map one of the following: 1) user has specific file selections (isFinish=1); or 2) user clicked "Map All" to map all files in a particular (search) table (isFinish=0 and filename is not null).
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
Remove a selection from cart.
If pSelected is null, then map all fields. pSelected is a string with fields delimited by "^" with the first piece to be the NAME of the file.
Select all files based on partial filename match.
Load fields into Available/Selected list boxes.
Moving a list item from one box to the next, then remove it from the original box
Moving the entire list from one box to the next, then remove it from the original box
User double clicked one of the listboxes. Update imply message.
After running action, display error message or refresh page.
Add selected FileNumber to cart. Check to see if User unselected any to not to map. If yes, then save the selected fields.
User clicked Cancel. Check if user has selected any files. If yes, prompt user whether they want to keep the selection.
Delete one selection from tree. If no selections left then go back to previous page.
User clicked "Clear Cart". Clear all items in the cart and return to previous page.
User clicked "Finish". Map selected items in the cart - call server method to job off in the background.
User clicked "Map All". Map All that are shown in the current table.
User clicked "Next" or "Back". page number pass in is the target page number.
User clicked "Search". Get user file name (partial is okay) and refresh table.
User clicked "Select All". Add all that are shown in the current table to the cart.
User clicked "Select". Show Fields for the selected File Number.
Show or hide tree.
Examine if user hit the Return key. If yes, start the search. This method handles all keydown events on the window. Works for both IE and NS.
Update action result. If text is passed in, show it. Otherwise set it to nothing.
show or hide image and link Delete for presentation context
disable or enable buttons for MapAll and SelectAll
check total Abstract Syntax tree count for presentation context. this method is triggled from onupdate from the tree control.
load tree