class %CSP.UI.Portal.Config.AdvancedTable extends %CSP.UI.Portal.AdvancedSettingsTemplate
Template for System Management Portal - Configure a large group of settings that are defined in one class, such as Config.Miscellaneous, Config.Startup and Config.config (for advanced memory)
Displayed name of this page.
Security requirement
Name of the current configuration class
List of types for each property delimited by comma (the first type starts from piece 2, used by javascript code)
List of values for each property delimited by comma (the first type starts from piece 2, used by javascript code)
The property type for the selected value (used by onPopupAction)
Single subject name: with "Edit" added to Subject
Called as part of %OnAfterCreatePage specific for this page.
Draw HTML for the table. pSeed = "Memory" or "Miscellaneous" or "Startup"
Reference YSD2107 - This method is obsolete. Load data into form. If VALUELIST/DISPLAYLIST exists then use it for the select drop-down.
Set label and data into appropriate field.
User clicked Edit. Go to Edit page.
User clicked Help. Build the help link and open popup.
Reference YSD2107 - debugging code