System Management Portal - Advanced Configuration
This generic page handles advanced configuration settings where no tables involved.
We build specific forms, identified by id_Subject, for each subject.
The "id"s for each setting is the actual property name defined in the corresponding Config class.
So if you change a property name in a Config class, you need to come here and modify the id in the form.
Called as part of %OnAfterCreatePage specific for this page.
classmethod DrawLocatorExtra(tLocator)
Draw extra locator links in between the Configuration and the current.
method doBrowse()
[ Language = javascript ]
Launching a file selector window.
method doRemoteBrowse(guid, os)
[ Language = javascript ]
Launching a remote file selector window.
method onPopupAction(popupName, action, value)
[ Language = javascript ]
Returning from file select OR qualifers dialog and setting the value into the appropriate field.
The id of the field that needs to be updated is saved in "dialogClicked".
method validate()
as %Boolean
[ Language = javascript ]
If any required field failed, the hint for the field will be turned to red.
The first one failed should have focus.