Class Reference
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Private Storage |
Page to define SQL Table/View column privileges.
Class name of application this page belongs to.
Domain used for localization.
Displayed name of this page.
Display title of this page
Table column name if user is editing or revoking
User or Role whose privileges are being granted
Flag indicating whether user checked the "Include System Items" checkbox.
Namespace indicating where the schemas/tables/views are coming from.
ObjName = null for Add, or Table name or View name for Edit
"TABLE" or "VIEW".
User selected schema name
Indicate whether user has made any valid change
User selected table name
Total number of existing columns for edit
tab number
Set Locator bar and determine whether to show change password option.
When editing existing column priv, this method loads existing column priv into check boxes
Draws error box for object error message.
Draws table for existing table column priv allowing user to edit or revoke.
Return existing columns
Method for executing the schemas query.
Method for executing the tables query.
Save column priv data to server If this is to revoke column priv, then pRevoke = 1, pPrivs and pGrant will be null.
Load fields into Available/Selected list boxes.
User clicked "Add Columns" to add more columns to existing schema.table
Moving a list item from one box to the next, then remove it from the original box
User double clicked one of the listboxes. You can use this if you need extra work done.
User changed checks. Update flag.
User changed or selected a schema. Load Table list based on the schema selected.
User changed something. Update flag.
User selected a table. Load Available/Selected list boxes.
Check if Priv or Grant are all checked. check chkPriv/chkGrant if all its checkboxes are checked; uncheck if at least one is unchecked.
Update buttons after successful save.
Close this window.
Refresh opener then close this window.
User clicked Save.
User clicked "Edit" to edit existing column priv
Enable the Save button when user made valid changes.
User clicked "Revoke" to revoke existing column priv
User checked the Privilege/Grant Admin check. Check all.