serial class %CSP.Mgr.Helper.AlternativeServer
extends %SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor
Load-Balancing is implemented in a round robin fashion.
Each new user session will be connected to the next available 'alternative' server
(including the 'Default' Server). Once a user session is established on a server,
the Gateway will endeavor to maintain the session on that server unless it becomes unavailable,
in which case the session will be failed-over to the next available server in the list.
State-aware sessions (preserve mode = 1) cannot be failed-over under any circumstances and,
consequently, the session will be closed if the hosting server becomes unavailable.
This object is part of the %CSP.Mgr.GatewaySystemStatus object.
The XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG parameter allows the programmer to control handling of unexpected
elements in the XML input.
By default (XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 0), will treat an unexpected element as an error.
If XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG is set = 1, then unexpected elements will be ignored.
property Activity
as %String;
property CacheServerName
as %String;
property Status
as %String;
The purpose for which this server is being used.
Use for Load-Balancing. (Fail-over in implied for this option).
Use for Fail-over only. (Use the alternatives only if the main (i.e. default)
server becomes unavailable.)
Disable. (Do not connect to the alternative servers under any circumstances.)