class %Archive.Session
extends %RegisteredObject
API for data archiving
Sample script that initiates a connection to an archive server
Set SessionOref = ##class(%Archive.Session).%New()
Set SessionOref.Host = // IP address of the archive server
Set SessionOref.AuthFile = AuthFilePath // path of the .pea file (for Centera)
Set Status = SessionOref.Connect()
Once connected, here is a sample script that stores a content (cf.
// create a content object as source, whose handle is ContentOref (see %Archive.Content)
Set Status = SessionOref.Store(ContentOref, .ContentUID)
After Store() returns successfully, you need to save the ContentUID value somewhere (say, in a Cache database) for future retrieval purpose.
Here is a sample script to retrieve the file from the archive server, using the ContentUID and open connection above:
// create a content object as target, whose handle is ContentOref (see %Archive.Content)
Set Status = SessionOref.Retrieve(ContentOref, ContentUID)
Only EMC Centera server is supported as an archive server
The source of storing and the target of retrieval must be files
Only one open connection per Cache process. Attempt to open additional connections (whether to the same server as the existing connection or not) would get an error.
Retrieving selected files from a content containing multiple files ("blobs") is not supported.
parameter TYPE = "Centera";
Type of the archive system (EMC Centera)
parameter VERSION = "0.1";
Version of the API
property ApplicationName
as %String;
Name of the application, default to something like "Cache for Windows (x86-32)" (from $zv)
property ApplicationVersion
as %String;
Version of the application, default to something like "2008.2 (Build 366U)" (from $zv)
property AuthFile
as %String;
The path of a Pool Entry Authorization file (*.pea)
property Host
as %String;
Connection information, a comma-delimited list of IP addresses
For example, ","
property Password
as %String;
property UserName
as %String;
An alternative to a PEA file is a pair of UserName and Password
method AccessContent(ContentUID As %String)
as %Status
Test the existence of a content (C-Clip) by its UID (ContentAddress)
method Connect()
as %Status
Connect to the server
method DeleteContent(ContentUID As %String)
as %Status
Delete a content (C-Clip) by its UID (ContentAddress)
method Disconnect()
as %Status
Disconnect from the server
method Retrieve(ContentOref As %Archive.Content, ContentUID As %String)
as %Status
Retrieve an entire content from server
method Store(ContentOref As %Archive.Content, ByRef ContentUID As %String)
as %Status
Store an entire content to server, commit and return a UID by reference